A Photo Gallery of Hype Train FC's first Training Session!

Hype Train FC have officially kicked their first balls in a training session at JMA Academy, Reading, as they prepare for their maiden season in Grassroots football on August 31st 2019 in the East Berkshire Football League. We'd like to to invite you to view a quick snapshot of our first training session, photographed by our Club Chairman, Sam Austin. All Aboard.
Inside our first training session...
Training started at 8pm with 16 players turning up to the occasion. Without Club Captain, Alex O'Keeffe, in attendance, Robert Austin took the team on a warm up before some rusty legs took to the field in a windy training game, which involved two lost footballs and a broken boot by The Hype Train's own, Phil Jones. It was a good evening to dust the cobwebs off for some new faces to the group, as well as returning players who are gearing up for our pre-season schedule at the end of July and August (fixtures and dates to be announced shortly).
Club Chairman, Sam Austin, who watched from the side said the following:
"It was good to see a lot of old and new faces join us at the beginning of our journey. For Rob and Rod, who have gone out of their way to organise this club, it was great to see them enjoy their football again. It looked like a lot of people enjoyed themselves and we didn't want to let players be bogged down with tactics on day one, so was nice to see the players express themselves in a positive way.
Thank you to all those attended the evening. We're looking forward to next week already!"
Hype Train FC: Train Gallery (26/06/2019)
Want to know more about The Hype Train?
The Hype Train is an entertainment website founded in 2015, specialising in Fantasy sports reporting, starting with Fantasy Premier League (FPL), before expanding to MLS Fantasy coverage in 2018.
We pride ourselves in providing beautiful graphics, statistics, in-depth analytical reporting and free weekly insight for hopeful players attempting to climb rankings tables. We are also occasional media reviewers, with a keen interest to review games, live sport, and professional wrestling.
In 2019, Hype Train Football Club was formed, becoming the first Fantasy Football website to take to the field. HTFC is a socially active team across social and web channels, providing regular match highlights, match reports, comprehensive player statistics and unique player profiles.
The Hype Train were nominated and shortlisted for the 'Best Football Blog' in 2016 by the Football Bloggers Association at their annual Football Blogging Awards (The FBA's), and were again shortlisted as a finalist in 2019 in the 'Best Fantasy Football Blog' category.
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All aboard.